Rodent Control

Rodent Control and Exterminator Service

The Best Rodent Exterminator And Rodent Control Services Near Me!

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Roommates with SmartGreen Pest and Mosquito Control in Woodstock, GA! We're not just a pest control company; we're your neighbors, here since 2014. Tired of furry intruders? Trust SmartGreen for humane and effective rodent control. Our team is committed to eco-friendly solutions and exceptional customer service. We'll tackle those pesky rodents, ensuring your home stays cozy and critter-free. Don't let rodents take over your space – let SmartGreen be your partner in creating a pest-free haven. Reach out today for personalized rodent control that feels just right for you!

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We Provide Rodent Control and The Following Services:

SmartGreen Pest and Mosquito Control is dedicated to exterminating and preventing pest infestations on your property. Our services eradicate the most common and even uncommon pest types. You can count on us for:

Trust SmartGreen Pest and Mosquito Control exterminators in Woodstock, Kennesaw, GA and surrounding areas to get rid of all types of insects around your property. Call (404) 937-7088 today to request eco friendly pest control at your home or office.

Understanding Rodents: Types, Habits, and Risks

Rodents come in various types, each with their own distinct habits and risks associated with them. Understanding these factors is essential in implementing effective rodent control strategies. Let's delve into the different types of rodents, their habits, and the risks they pose:

1. Mice:

Mice are small rodents that can range from 2 to 4 inches in length. They are prolific breeders and can quickly infest an area if left unchecked. Common types of mice include the house mouse and the deer mouse. Mice are known for their ability to squeeze through small openings, making it important to seal any potential entry points.


  • Nocturnal creatures, mice are most active during the night.
  • They are excellent climbers and can easily access upper levels of buildings.
  • Mice have a keen sense of smell, allowing them to locate food sources easily.
  • They build nests using soft materials, such as paper or fabric.


  • Mice can contaminate food and surfaces with their urine, droppings, and saliva, potentially spreading diseases such as Salmonella and Hantavirus.
  • They can cause structural damage by gnawing on wires, insulation, and wooden structures.
  • Mice are known carriers of parasites, including fleas, ticks, and mites, which can further spread diseases.

2. Rats:

Rats are larger rodents compared to mice, with the most common types being the Norway rat and the roof rat. These animals are highly adaptable and can survive in various environments. Proper identification is crucial for effective rodent control.


  • Rats are primarily nocturnal but can also be active during the day if undisturbed.
  • They are excellent climbers and can access buildings through holes, vents, and pipes.
  • Rats have a strong sense of smell and are attracted to food sources.
  • They create burrows and nests in hidden areas such as attics, walls, and basements.


  • Rats can transmit diseases such as leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and plague through their urine, droppings, and bites.
  • Their constant gnawing can cause damage to structures, pipes, and electrical wires, posing a fire hazard.
  • Rats can contaminate food storage areas, leading to foodborne illnesses.

3. Other Rodents:

Apart from mice and rats, there are other rodents that may pose a threat to your property. These include squirrels, chipmunks, and voles. While they may have different habits and risks, the principles of rodent control remain largely the same.

Understanding the types of rodents, their habits, and the risks they present allows you to tailor your rodent control efforts accordingly. In the next section, we will explore preventive measures that can help keep rodents at bay and minimize the risk of infestation.

Preventive Measures for Rodent Control

Preventing rodent infestations is key to maintaining a rodent-free environment. By implementing effective preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of rodents entering your property. In this section, we will discuss several preventive measures for rodent control:

1. Sealing Entry Points:

Rodents can enter your property through even the tiniest openings. It's crucial to seal off potential entry points to prevent their access. Take the following steps:

  • Inspect the exterior of your property for cracks, gaps, and holes. Pay close attention to areas around pipes, vents, windows, and doors.
  • Use caulk, wire mesh, or steel wool to seal off gaps and holes. Ensure that the materials used are rodent-proof and cannot be easily chewed through.
  • Install door sweeps and weather stripping to seal gaps under doors.
  • Repair any damaged screens on windows and vents.

2. Proper Sanitation:

Maintaining cleanliness and proper sanitation plays a significant role in rodent prevention. By eliminating potential food and water sources, you can discourage rodents from entering your property. Consider the following practices:

  • Keep all food stored in sealed containers made of metal or heavy-duty plastic.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly in tightly sealed bins.
  • Clean up food spills promptly and thoroughly.
  • Sweep and vacuum floors regularly to remove food crumbs and debris.
  • Ensure that pet food is stored in secure containers and not left out overnight.

3. Food Storage Practices:

Proper food storage is essential to prevent rodents from being attracted to your property. Follow these guidelines:

  • Store food items, including pet food, in rodent-proof containers.
  • Avoid leaving food out overnight or for extended periods.
  • Clean and organize pantry areas regularly to remove potential hiding spots for rodents.
  • Dispose of expired or unused food items promptly.

4. Landscaping Maintenance:

Your property's exterior maintenance can also affect rodent control efforts. By addressing potential rodent habitats, you can minimize their presence. Consider the following measures:

  • Trim tree branches and shrubs away from the exterior of your property to eliminate potential bridges for rodents to access your building.
  • Keep grass and vegetation near the building well-maintained and trimmed.
  • Remove debris, clutter, and piles of wood or leaves from around your property.

5. Rodent-Proofing Structures:

Taking additional steps to rodent-proof your structures can further enhance your preventive measures. Consider the following actions:

  • Install wire mesh or hardware cloth to cover vents, chimneys, and other openings that cannot be sealed with caulk.
  • Place door sweeps on garage doors and ensure they close tightly.
  • Install metal kick plates on the bottom of doors to prevent rodents from gnawing through.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can create an environment that is less attractive and accessible to rodents. However, it's important to be vigilant and regularly inspect your property for any signs of rodent activity. In the next section, we will explore the signs that indicate a rodent infestation.

Identifying Signs of Rodent Infestation

Identifying signs of a rodent infestation is crucial for timely intervention and effective rodent control. By being aware of the following indicators, you can take appropriate measures to address the issue. In this section, we will explore the common signs of rodent infestation:

1. Gnaw Marks and Damage:

Rodents have a natural instinct to gnaw on various materials to maintain their teeth. Look out for the following signs of gnawing:

  • Chewed electrical wires, insulation, and wooden structures.
  • Gnaw marks on furniture, baseboards, and walls.
  • Shredded paper or fabric, which rodents use for nesting materials.

2. Droppings and Urine:

Rodents leave behind droppings and urine as they move around your property. These can serve as clear indications of an infestation:

  • Mouse droppings are small, resembling dark grains of rice, while rat droppings are larger and capsule-shaped.
  • Fresh droppings are moist and dark, turning dry and lighter over time.
  • You may detect a strong ammonia-like odor from concentrated urine.

3. Nests and Burrows:

Rodents create nests and burrows to provide shelter and safety for themselves and their offspring. Look for the following signs:

  • Nests made of shredded materials, such as paper, fabric, or insulation, often hidden in secluded areas like attics, basements, or crawl spaces.
  • Burrows in outdoor areas, such as gardens, under decks, or near foundations. These burrows are small holes with compacted soil or nesting materials nearby.

4. Unusual Noises:

Rodents are active primarily during the night, so you may hear certain sounds that indicate their presence:

  • Scratching or scurrying noises in walls, ceilings, or under floors.
  • Chewing or gnawing sounds, especially if rodents are present in your attic or crawl spaces.
  • Squeaking or squealing sounds, which are typically made by mice.

Recognizing these signs can help you confirm a rodent infestation and take appropriate action. If you notice any of these indicators, it is crucial to address the issue promptly. In the next section, we will explore effective rodent control methods to help you eliminate these pests from your property.

Effective Rodent Control Methods

When it comes to rodent control, there are various methods you can employ to effectively eliminate these pests from your property. In this section, we will explore different techniques and strategies that have proven to be effective in controlling rodents:

1. Trapping Methods:

Trapping is a common and humane approach to rodent control. There are different types of traps available, including:

  • Snap traps: These traditional traps are designed to snap shut when a rodent triggers the mechanism. They are effective for mice and small rats.
  • Glue traps: These traps feature a sticky surface that captures rodents when they step on it. They are useful for capturing mice and smaller rodents.
  • Live traps: These traps allow you to capture rodents alive and then release them elsewhere. Live traps are a humane option for those who prefer catch-and-release methods.

When using traps, it's important to place them in areas where rodent activity has been observed. Additionally, baiting the traps with food, such as peanut butter or cheese, can increase their effectiveness.

2. Using Rodenticides:

Rodenticides are chemicals specifically formulated to kill rodents. They can be an effective method for controlling larger infestations. However, caution must be exercised when using rodenticides due to their potential risks to humans, pets, and non-target animals. Follow these guidelines:

  • Read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer carefully.
  • Place rodenticides in secured bait stations to prevent accidental consumption by children or pets.
  • Regularly check and replenish bait stations as needed.
  • Consider using tamper-proof bait stations to further reduce the risk of accidental exposure.

It is important to note that rodenticides should be used as a last resort and with caution. Consulting with a professional pest control service is highly recommended for proper application and safety.

3. Biological Control:

Biological control involves using natural predators or parasites to control rodent populations. This method is often used in outdoor or agricultural settings. Some examples of biological control include:

  • Owls and other birds of prey that feed on rodents.
  • Domesticated cats or dogs trained to hunt and catch rodents.
  • Introducing non-toxic predator urine or scent repellents around the property.

While biological control methods can be effective, they may not be suitable for all environments or situations. It is important to assess the feasibility and potential impact of introducing natural predators or repellents before implementing this approach.

4. Professional Pest Control Services:

If you are dealing with a severe or persistent rodent infestation, it may be necessary to seek the assistance of professional pest control services. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and resources to effectively eliminate rodents from your property. They can conduct a thorough assessment, implement targeted treatments, and provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure long-term control.

When choosing a professional pest control service, consider their reputation, qualifications, and use of environmentally friendly practices.

By utilizing a combination of trapping methods, rodenticides (with caution), biological control, or seeking professional assistance, you can effectively control and eliminate rodents from your property. In the next section, we will explore long-term rodent management and control strategies to prevent future infestations.

Long-Term Rodent Management and Control

Implementing long-term rodent management and control strategies is crucial to prevent future infestations and maintain a rodent-free environment. In this section, we will explore various measures and practices that can help you achieve long-term success in rodent control:

1. Regular Inspections:

Performing regular inspections of your property is essential to identify and address any potential rodent entry points or signs of infestation. Consider the following:

  • Conduct thorough inspections of both the interior and exterior of your property, paying close attention to areas that are vulnerable to rodent access.
  • Look for any new entry points, gaps, or cracks that may have developed over time and promptly seal them.
  • Monitor for signs of rodent activity, such as fresh droppings, gnaw marks, or nests.

2. Continued Prevention:

Maintaining preventive measures is key to long-term rodent control. By consistently implementing preventive practices, you can reduce the risk of future infestations. Some key steps include:

  • Regularly inspect and maintain the integrity of your property's exterior, including sealing gaps, repairing screens, and ensuring proper ventilation.
  • Practice proper sanitation by keeping food stored in rodent-proof containers, promptly cleaning up spills, and regularly disposing of garbage in tightly sealed bins.
  • Trim vegetation and maintain landscaping to minimize rodent habitats and access points.
  • Educate and train household members or employees on proper food storage and sanitation practices.

3. Education and Awareness:

Educating yourself and others about rodents, their habits, and effective control methods can contribute to long-term management. Consider the following:

  • Stay informed about rodent behavior, biology, and the risks they pose.
  • Learn about the local regulations and guidelines regarding rodent control and the responsible use of rodenticides.
  • Share information and raise awareness among family members, employees, or neighbors about preventive measures and signs of rodent infestation.

4. Professional Monitoring and Maintenance:

Engaging professional pest control services for regular monitoring and maintenance can provide added reassurance and effectiveness in long-term rodent control. Consider the following:

  • Schedule periodic visits from a professional pest control company to conduct inspections, identify potential issues, and implement appropriate treatments.
  • Discuss long-term monitoring and maintenance plans with the professionals to ensure continuous rodent control.

By implementing these long-term rodent management and control strategies, you can minimize the risk of future infestations and maintain a rodent-free environment. Remember, consistency and vigilance are key to successful rodent control. Stay proactive and address any signs of infestation promptly.

Ready To Get Rid Of Rodents?

Bottom line- A reduced amount of less toxic materials in and around the home, combined with “IPM” strategies, results in less exposure for you, your loved ones and pets. In addition, we guarantee against all of the most common pests here in Georgia: ants, roaches, spiders, etc.

*SmartGreen offers additional services at discounted rates for pest control customers, these services include: Mosquito Control, Termite Control, Flea and Tick Control, Pantry Pests Programs and Yard Applications.*

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